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Shrine Jan 18th-25th


OMG SORRY I'M LATE!! I was doing Dragon Slayer 2 in osrs and got my butt handed to me a few times by Vorkath. I watched a few guides and....kept getting my butt kicked but then I found one that explained it so well and in depth! If any of you are old school runescape players, the Youtuber Josh Strife Hayes is SUPER good at explaining things for people who don't know what they are doing.

Anyways, I went from getting my ass kicked to kicking that big blue dragon ass. THANK YOU MR HAYES! MAY RNJESUS BLESS YOU WITH PLENTIFUL DROPS.

Okay I went on a tangent but that dude saved me days of grinding out a certain gear set (Elite Void, for all you knowers)

Onto the shrine! 

(Left, top, left, bottom)

Zanshin Tactics (Oni lvl 30): The auras of breakable walls, pallets, and windows are shown within 24/28/32m

Deathbound (Pyramid Head lvl 40): When a survivor heals another survivor for the equivalent of 1 health state more than 32 meters away, they will scream, revealing their location and activating Deathbound. For the next 60 seconds, the survivor will suffer from the oblivious status when farther than 16/12/8m of the healed survivor. Paid DLC.

Decisive Strike (Laurie lvl 40): (you know what this does): after getting unhooked/self-unhooking, if picked up or grabbed within 40/50/60 seconds you can hit a skill check to automatically escape the killer's grasp. It deactivates if you do any action to progress the objective. (Healing, unhooking, repairing, sabotaging, totem shenanigans) Paid DLC.

Distortion (Jeff lvl 40): Start the game with 4* tokens, whenever the killer attempts to read your aura, Distortion will activate and consume 1 token. Your aura will not be shown and your scratch marks will be hidden for the next 6/8/10 seconds

*As of the next midpatch, Distortion will be buffed to have 4 tokens, rather than 3.  

Outlook: D-strike is meta, as I'm sure you all know. If you don't have it, I highly recommend it, especially because Laurie is from a paid DLC. It's also her only good perk. Object is meh and Sole Survivor is terrible. Distortion isn't worth it, the small token number just makes it not as useful as it could be. It allows you to know if the killer has BBQ, A Nurse's Calling, Bitter Murmur, and a few others but, again, only 4 tokens and most killers run BBQ anyways for the BP. Deathbound makes you jump through hoops for a mediocre effect. Also circle of healing/medkits makes it useless since it only applies to healing other survivors. Zanshin Tactics is decent for beginners, but the same effect can also be gained by playing with one's eyes open.



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